Friday, September 11, 2009

This pic sums it all up!

I have had a lot to say about school starting this week. I even started a few other posts but they felt to down, or cynical. Maybe I'll post about it another time. There were a few rough days there. Today was the first full drop-off - no parents allowed. The kids lined up this morning, Mrs. F-T asked the kids to hold up their hands, then wave to the mommies and daddies - and away they went.

Izzy said, "I cried a little bit. Then I feeled better. Then I had so, so, so much fun!!! We sang a song about apples and muffins. The teacher read a book about a dog and his first day of school. I ate my snack and made a new friend and her name is C..."

Mommy is so, so, so proud of her!

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