Monday, September 7, 2009

It's a school night!

Right now I am taking advantage of an unusually quiet afternoon. Rob is across the room playing Super Mario on the Wii. Alex is upstairs in his room playing Lego with his friend T. Izzy was just called over to her friend M's house to play. I am printing off activity sheets and experiments from the Environment Canada website. Over the summer we ordered the (free) posters and have just put them up on one of the walls. I am making a list of things I need to pick up to start our weather lessons. We will be making our own barometer, thermometer and anemometer. There will be lots of experiments dealing with air mass and solar heat. Plus we'll track weather from coast to coast. I figure its a good way to teach him about the other provinces too. This should be something we can spend the entire year on.

I should log off now and head upstairs to check on the status of the bread. I've been fretting over this pioneer lunch for Alex. The boy just eats so much during the day and there isn't much protein I can send with him without having the ability to keep it cool. My kids eat very well but they eat a lot, all day. Hard to satiate the belly with apples, carrot sticks and buns. We'll have to pretend that the Babybel cheese and pepperette sticks are are authentic.


Stephanie said...

Busy, busy!

And mine eat like that, too!
I think about my son in school, :), and there is no way he'd make it to lunch!
He'd be complaining every hour that he was hungry.

M.J. said...

Yes! I had that problem sending Alex off to pioneer school - worrying that he'd be starving all day. I packed as much as I could while keeping it authentic. Pretty tough.