Sunday, August 23, 2009

When the kids are away...

...mommy and daddy get to play! Or rather, do things they just can't do with the kids in tow. Like look at couch sets or go through new homes. I wanted to see what the new houses in the north end looked like and see where the prices are. I also wanted ideas for our own house right now to finish decorating. We found our dream house. Or rather 2 of them. Sadly, we won't be moving for a few more years though. We do know which builder we will be looking for when the time comes. One of the houses we loved was also a smart, energy efficient house. This place was very green. Even had pre-wiring for solar panels (to heat the water) on the roof - something Rob has been talking about forever. The other house wasn't as energy savvy but had the most glorious dining room off a very large foyer. I love to cook for people so that room stole my heart. Sadly, none of the houses we saw impressed me with their kitchens. Not compared to the one I have now. These were four bedroom houses with double garages and yet the kitchens averaged 9x9 ft with crappy standard cabinets. That will be where all the expense on upgrades go, I can just feel it.

What is amazing, though, is the crap some builders actually put out there. We walked through one development and spotted nothing but problems. Having our own 30+ year old house, with doing our own kitchen reno has been a real eye opener. We've learned a lot - quickly. I just can't believe the sloppiness. And on the model houses too!

It was fun. I look forward to the day when we can triple our square footage and I finally get a soaker bathtub!

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